This was an interesting class to say the least. I thoroughly enjoyed some of the work and despised some other aspects but for the most part the class was fun and engaging and I felt I really learned a significant amount on how to teach other types of texts that I had not thought of.
Poetry was far and away my personal favorite of this class. Getting to explore many famous poets as well as hearing from some of my classmates was an interesting experience. Studying poetry is hard for a lot of students to grasp especially in secondary education where it tends to focus a lot on rhyme structure and rhythm. Instead, I like to focus on the fun aspects of poems: what they mean and their significance. Isn’t that why art exists? In order for us to interpret and suppose greater meaning than the author intended. I know that’s what I like to do.
The world text was the part of the class that I did not like. I thought the stories were interesting and some of them had greater meaning such some of the creation myths. However, most of them were difficult to navigate and they were confusing. Some myths were confusing and others were downright frustrating to comprehend. In reflection of my myth, the Thor one, I still don’t know if there is some greater meaning to it or was it meant purely as entertainment. The project also did not help with my understanding to any of the myths. This I don’t feel was the fault of anyone in the class but of merely the myths themselves. They were frustrating.
I did like however the Media education section and the global text section. These were definitely challenging but also I learned the most from them. Gaining new insight into how different technologies can help aid a classroom, I realized that the possibilities were endless in a classroom that I had more than 20 minutes to figure out a lesson plan. I felt like the time constriction is hard on group projects because frankly, no class that I will teach will only have twenty minutes. I will have roughly 180 days and about an hour a class to devise proper lesson plans and they should go off much better than the ones we did in this class. As far as the global text, I love breaking down movies into a simple narrative. This was challenging but very fun and engaging.
The last thing about this class that I did not like was the blog. I understood the idea of it but I did not feel like I learned anything from the blog project. I rarely looked at others blogs because I was unable to comment on anyone elses and I kept up with mine until Google’s servers decided that it wanted to screw me over and delete my blog and all of my entries. But thankfully I got blog back, only missing a few posts. I wish that the blog would have been more interactive and I definitely feel that it would work in a high school setting where kids seem to have more time than college students since most college students have other priorities outside of school. That’s just my opinion though
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