Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life of a Salesman (poem 2)

This Poem's structure: this poem is free verse with no rhyme scheme. The meter is also varied with no consistent structure.

Will he be Loman on the totem pole?
“Attention must be paid”
Though his pocket never was
Except from the charitable wallet of a friend

Why doesn’t he quit?
The flute song must stop at some point
He is the diamond “rough and hard to touch”
That Ben found in a concrete jungle

He had such promise!
His boys as well
One was Happy and the other was not
The latter destroyed through tragic flaw

He mended the roof over their heads
But left a hole in their hearts
His life was nothing more to him
Than a signature in an insurance office

He is well liked
His story will always be told
And many will be moved

By this Life of a Salesman

Instructions for Fine Poetry Writing (Poem 1)

This poem's form: starts with ABAB rhyme scheme for the first six stanzas and then goes into free verse. In the last stanza, the rhyme scheme is ABCB. The meter doesn't haven't a definite structure.

This poem most likely won’t rhyme
Though I wish it would, I don’t have the time
But hey! Look at that, I did it anyway
After all, I am a poet, what can I say?

This poem’s purpose is to instruct and to teach,
To instill a dream and a goal you can reach.
After reading this, you should write works of art
Ones that will make your reader laugh or break your reader’s heart

First thing you do,
Is get an idea or two
But don’t use your own because they seldom do well
Instead steal someone else’s and it’s likely to sell.

Think of how others will think of your works
With this knowledge, you are sure to get perks
That’s the glory of the job, getting rave reviews
Dragging your readers out of their everyday blues.

Save changes for later because you will not see
How great someone else’s work might just be
Copy your friend’s words and make it your own,
See how easy that is, you’re now in the zone.

Fourthly, use words that big and long to make you sound smart
That will make your words a work of art
Finally, publish these words and make sure they are seen
Bind these words in books for the public scene

Now I have finished my lesson
And if you have followed it to the end
Forget it all!

Free-flowing thought is not meant to be
Contained more than it already has been
Restricting thought to a poem structure
Is harmful enough to

Stop all restriction
Forget meter and rhyme
Just write what you think
And you will be fine.